
One Month

So we've officially been here in Lima for one month! Lots of y'all have been wondering what we've been doing here....well, for starters, we've kept super busy, well, mostly busy but with a good amount of laughter and memories to help liven up the overcast and at times, chilly weather. Chelsey, Carolina, Heather, and I (and if you haven't caught on, Carolina and Heather are the ACU interns) are all involved in many things, in particular, family groups and Bible studies and are working to find our own individual niches in the work going on here. I’m sure you’ll get details on specifics soon! But now I want to tell you about a couple days last week that I spent in Chosica (a town outside of Lima) with a group of Peruvians. It was time well spent in the sun but at times challenging because I was the only fluent English speaker and I don’t think I’ve ever had to speak Spanish for two straight days in my entire life, even in Spain… The majority of my frustration was felt when one of the guys received a call from his family saying his dad had been in a terrible accident at work and had lost his left hand as a result. For starters, I didn’t know what was really going on at first, only that something bad had happened and it seemed like the worst. And second, how was I supposed to comfort someone in Spanish?? That’s a lot of pressure because I don’t even know what I would say to someone in English that I had only spent less than 24 hours with… All in all, from the trip I began and deepened relationships that I pray I will continue to be intentional about. And also I can say my knowledge of the language has a long way to go and I hope that you will pray for all of us in that aspect of our journey.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” – Psalm 139:14

1 comment:

  1. great post, and it sounds like God is stretching you....that is always a good thing. peace.
