This Sunday the church is going out to Villa Maria, the slums, where we usually have vacation Bible school-like activities, to have a garage sale type event. We have been gathering clothes from people in the church and friends and are taking them out there to sell (at very low cost) to the people in that neighborhood. The profits are going to be used to help fund the activities that usually go on out there and perhaps other local needs. I just want to ask for special prayers for this event because we will be coming into contact with many new people and need to be especially intentional about our time there.
Today, Wednesday, is my little sister Cathryn's Birthday and she's officially an "adult"! I can't tell you in words how much I love and adore my lil sis. She's incredibly friendly and loving and at times, I'll admit, wiser than me. One of the hardest things about being here is not being able to squeeze her to death like I would when I came home from college. Well, Cathryn I hope you have an absolutely amazing 18th birthday filled with too many smiles and laughs! I love you!!
thanks for your update and details about the clothing sale. will pray it goes well. have a great time during these special experiences God is handing you....hands open and receive!!